Sunday, April 24, 2011

You just have to laugh

Last Tuesday I had to go to the Cancer Center for a Heparin shot. It is an anticoagulant that they shoot into my port. The nurse, seeing my bandaged arm, asked me what happened. So i began to relate the story of the bicycle accident, 'Harry' the hematoma that was going to need surgery the next day and the dumb cough induced rib injury. She starts to chuckle, apologizes but continues to chuckle. I told her it was O.K. because it was all kind of stupid and sometimes you just have to laugh. My story wound down and she told me, "here comes a pinch -- one, two three" and proceeded to inject the needle into the port. I meant to ask her why she thrust the needle at 2 instead of 3 but I never got around to it -- because she missed. She missed the port. now I'm laughing and she is horrified and apologizing. She has to get another 'port pack' and when she comes back she is still apologizing. And I asked her, "did you listen to the story that I just told you?" The stupidity of it all, it only stands to reason that the nurse would miss the port.
The surgery on my arm appears to have gone well except that it looks like a shark bite. He was able to clean out and close the area but it looks like a shark took a bite out of my arm. Now I have to create a story to match.........
God is good all the time!!
Psalm 8:9 O Lord our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!

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