Monday, November 8, 2010


Well, I had hoped to be able to update, both of, you who actually read this blog. Oh well...........
The CT-scan and complete blood workup was done last Tuesday and I was supposed to get the results this Tuesday (tomorrow). So I kept putting off blogging so that I could actually update -- you two. (O.K. I don't really know how many there are who actually read this blog but I can't imagine that there is more than one or two after almost 3 years.) But I digress.
The cancer center called earlier and asked if we could put off the results consultation for one more week due to a scheduling issue. We are going to believe that this is good news because if it was bad news they would most likely have moved the appointment up --- not back.
The news on the Mother-in-law is not good, however. On October 25th Pam got a call from the assisted living place asking if she would come and help get Alice back into the building. (Side story -- Alice has had a 3 foot black plastic rooster, with an 'ankle bracelet' [really a small pull chain] named Fred, that has hung on a wall of whatever residence that she has been in for the last 35 to 40 years.) When Pam arrived Alice had her walker packed with 2 photo albums on the bottom, a health book, pajamas, a pillow and topped off with Fred. And she was headed to Fort Wayne. It would be a hilarious picture if it wasn't so sad.
We found out, later that day, that this wasn't the first time that Alice had tried to run away. We also found out that she had called 9-1-1 again but this time she just asked if the police could "give her a ride".
So Alice is in the 'Reflections' unit. (Read -- doors are locked.) The Alzheimer's Association breaks the disease into 3 stages. Alice has progressed through all of phase one and phase two. She has no short term memory -- we are talking in terms of seconds and nothing longer.
Alzheimer's is a terribly unkind disease to the patient and to the caregiver. Please pray for both Alice and Pam.

God is good all the time!!

Psalms 145:8-9 The Lord is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. The Lord is good to all, and his mercy is over all that he has made. ESV



Still reading and praying!

Unknown said...

Well, you've got 3 readers right here in Greentown, IN alone! ♥

We will continue to believe with you that your consult will bring forth good results and will continue to pray for Pam and Alice.

Love you both.