Wednesday, May 5, 2010

An update to the update to the........

Well we went to see the Cardiologist and apparently the Anesthesiologist had a valid argument. The EKG did show something odd but I did a stress echo-cardiogram and everything is fine. Praise God! So the Anesthesiologist was probably correct in calling a time-out on the surgery on Tuesday with the information that he had available.
Ever talk to one of those people who won't look you in the eye and tries to impress you with big words. That was the Anesthesiologist and he won't be that for me next time.
Anyway, surgery has been rescheduled for today at noon. The surgeon seemed genuinely frustrated for the delay and I'm sure that he is making room in his schedule. This is my second advertisement for him but if you need a general surgeon, Keenan Berghoff is a good cutter and a good guy.
So surgery is less than 12 hours away. Please pray that the mass is not cancerous. And thank-you again to all of you who are taking the time to lift up my health before the throne of God.
God is good all the time!!

Proverbs 12:25 Anxiety in a man's heart weighs him down, but a good word makes him glad. ESV

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