Tuesday, May 4, 2010

"Slowly I turn, step by step...."

Do you remember that routine?? Don't say that word; what word; that word that makes you crazy; what word; you know _________. The word is different for each routine whether it's Vaudeville, The Three Stooges, Abbot & Costello, or Lucy. But the answer is the same, "slowly I turn, step by step" and then you either get hit, poked, slapped or a pie in the face. (Here is a link to Lucy's if you care to watch it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCbXl-BR-9U&feature=related )
Anyway, that's the way I felt today when the Anesthesiologist said that we need to cancel the surgery. And then again when he said that it was elective surgery.
When did they start calling cancer surgery - 'elective'. O.K. we don't know if it is cancer or not -- this time. But I digress. So I get to see a Cardiologist tomorrow to make sure that everything is okey dokey. The surgeon expects everything to be just fine and we will reschedule surgery asap.
This was definitely not a surprise to God but it did catch me a little off guard.

God is good all the time!!

Proverbs 4:23 Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. NIV

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