Thursday, July 8, 2010

Rolling on..........

This past Sunday, Ruth B. told me to keep writing in the blog because she likes my writing and reading the updates. Oh the pressure............ ;O)
Every month I have to go into the cancer center and get a Heparin shot in the port so that it doesn't close up with clots. Next month, August, I go in for labs and then for a check up with the oncologist to go over lab numbers. Hopefully - prayerfully - those numbers will show that there has been no return of cancer.

Pam & I have been reading Randy Alcorn's latest book If God is Good. So far it has been excellent and I wouldn't expect any less from Alcorn. His books have been very good. He drops a line on us in this book that is worth repeating. This isn't a quote but it's close, 'A faith that will not sustain you through suffering is a faith worth losing'. Whatever you are going through walk through it with Jesus. We were over at a friend's house a couple of weeks ago. They have a miniature poodle named Bruiser. In the middle of petting Bruiser I discovered that which ever side I scratched he would lean into the scratch. So I began alternating back and forth, side to side. And Bruiser's reaction had him swaying back and forth as he leaned into my hand. It was mildly amusing. But on the way home it occurred to me that that is exactly how we should be with our God as we walk through life's hard times. The harder times get the more we should lean into God's hand.

God is good all the time!!

Psalms 18:18 They confronted me in the day of my calamity, but the Lord was my support. ESV

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