Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Tuedays, after the 'chemo' infusion, it usually takes me into the wee morning hours of Wednesday before I can shut it down and sleep. That is due to the steroid that they give me in pre-meds and to the current high powered drug of choice.
Staying up usually finds me on the computer and the internet 'catching up'. Tonight I have been 'catching up' with song writers and singers from the Jesus Movement. Anyone who knows me well knows that there were several singers and song writers from that time period (roughly the mid-60s through the mid-70s) who were influential in my growing relationship with Christ. The Jesus Movement was that time when concerts were more about ministry than about entertainment. What is amazing is how old some of these folks are. Here I am still fairly young and many of the Jesus Movement folks are in their 60s and 70s. I'm not sure how that happened. ;o) Here they are gray haired old farts and I'm a pretty young, uh, um gray haired old fart............. o.k. nevermind.
This is the time of year when we reminisce. If you have cancer and survived then you have wondered, 'why me?'. Why did I survive when _____ didn't? There are several from the Jesus Movement who have passed on. Several very talented people who have gone before. Keith Green, Mark Heard, Rich Mullins and Larry Norman just to name a few. And many close to my age. Beyond that there a number of people who die of cancer, almost everyday, who are younger than me. In the obituaries today there was a 42 year old husband and father who died of cancer on Christmas Eve. Not a very good Christmas present to his kids. I cannot answer the 'why' question. I do not claim to always understand the providence of God. But I am confident that He cares for us beyond our understanding and I am glad to be here.
God is good all the time!!

Romans 11:33 Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and how inscrutable His ways! ESV

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